Sunday, November 30, 2008

Azab cinta sejenis

Negara kita ni macam bermusim. Sekarang ni musim lesbian atau dunia pengkid. Hari ini Metro menyiarkan pila tentang pengkid penipu.

Oleh Mary Victoria Dass
JOHOR BAHRU: “Janji dia menyayangi saya di dunia dan akhirat adalah drama semata-mata. Selepas dua bulan tinggal bersama, dia mula tunjuk belang termasuk mencuri wang dan menggadai semua barang kemas saya,” kata seorang mangsa pengkid temberang yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Anita, 33, semalam.

Ibu kepada seorang cahaya mata itu menyesali peristiwa hitam dalam kehidupannya gara-gara terpedaya pujuk rayu dan godaan kekasih kaum sejenis hingga melarikan diri meninggalkan anak dan suami pada 2005.

Dia sanggup melupakan anaknya yang ketika itu berusia tujuh tahun dan suami yang bekerja sebagai pekerja kontrak.

Mengenang semula peristiwa gelap itu, kata Anita, ia umpama mimpi buruk kerana tidak menyangka boleh terjalin hubungan intim bersama Angah yang berperwatakan lelaki di tempat kerja iaitu sebuah kilang di Tampoi.

“Angah yang berusia 40-an berpura-pura baik dan penyayang sehingga menjadi tempat saya berkongsi masalah keluarga. Hubungan kami kemudian bertambah rapat dan lebih daripada rakan biasa.

“Saya taksub dengan kata-kata Angah lalu mengabaikan tanggungjawab sebagai isteri mahupun ibu. Selama setahun menjalin hubungan bersamanya, saya sanggup membelanjakan semua duit gaji bagi memenuhi pelbagai permintaannya.

“Apabila cinta songsang kami diketahui keluarga, saya tidak berfikir panjang untuk melarikan diri apabila Angah mengajak memulakan kehidupan baru bersamanya disebabkan tiada pilihan lain untuk menyelamatkan hubungan itu,” katanya.

Anita berkata, mereka melarikan diri ke Melaka dengan bekerja sebagai operator pengeluaran manakala tempat tinggal di asrama pekerja.

Kebahagiaan mereka tidak kekal lama kerana pengkid terbabit mula menunjukkan sikap agresif termasuk nyaris mencederakannya beberapa kali apabila hubungan percintaannya dengan seorang gadis lain terbongkar.

“Angah sanggup mencuri pelbagai barang kemas saya dan wang semata-mata untuk menampung keperluan kehidupan sosialnya.

“Perbuatannya menimbulkan tekanan hebat kerana sudahlah saya meninggalkan keluarga demi dia, dia pula bersikap lepas tangan walaupun pernah berjanji sehidup semati bersama saya.

“Saya terkilan dengan tindakannya memperbodohkan saya apabila menghilangkan diri dan meninggalkan saya berseorangan,” katanya ketika ditemui di rumah keluarganya di Kempas, semalam.

Anita berkata, dia bersyukur kerana keluarga sanggup menerimanya dan berjanji tidak akan mengulangi perbuatan itu.

Selama ini dia bekerja di Temerloh kerana tidak mahu pulang kerana bimbang keluarga tidak akan menerima kehadirannya.

“Perpisahan itu balasan Allah terhadap perbuatan saya dan ia memberi pengajaran.

“Hanya kunci rumah yang saya bawa bersama menjadi pengubat rindu terhadap keluarga selama tiga tahun ini,” katanya yang tidak menyangka ahli keluarga termasuk ibunya yang sanggup meminta bantuan Harian Metro pertengahan Ogos lalu.

Dia yang membaca berita itu segera menelefon ibu dan memaklumkan situasi sebenar kerana tidak mahu dia bimbangkan keselamatannya.

“Kami tidak tahan sebak kerana sudah lama tidak berbual, tetapi saya tidak dapat pulang segera ke Johor kerana perlu memberi notis berhenti kerja kepada majikan.

“Saya tidak menjangka ibu dan anak saya, Lela yang kini sudah berusia 10 tahun sanggup menjemput saya di Terminal Pengangkutan Awam Larkin apabila saya tiba di Johor kelmarin,” katanya.

Pada 15 Ogos lalu, Harian Metro melaporkan perbuatan seorang tomboi yang melarikan isteri seorang pekerja kontrak sejak tiga tahun lalu hingga gagal dikesan.

Kejadian itu mengakibatkan keluarga wanita terbabit hanya mampu meratap kesedihan apabila insan kesayangan mereka menjadi mangsa pujukan tomboi itu.

Keluarga berkenaan pernah membuat laporan polis mengenai kehilangan wanita itu di Balai Polis Larkin di sini, 23 April 2005.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Gay Factor

Thursday November 27, 2008


Britain is now tapping into the growing gay market.

WHILE the issue of tomboys and lesbians hogged the media limelight in Malaysia recently, the subject came up for debate in Britain, too.

The estimated three million gays and lesbians in Britain are being vigorously “courted” by various quarters – from High Street shops and Internet retailers to music stores and honeymoon tour operators.

With London being home to the largest gay and lesbian com-munity in Europe, there is a gro-wing awareness of the potential of this huge and lucrative market.

The latest report on gay consumers spending a whopping £23bil with their credit cards last year must have been an eye-opener for many retailers.

Even gay and lesbian honeymoons account for almost £50mil each year.

Admittedly, the number of gay weddings had dropped by nearly half to about 8,700 last year. But it doesn’t signal that the honeymoon is over for such marriages.

Obviously, the boom in 2005 was to be expected. When you have a backlog of people wanting to tie the knot, there will inevitably be a rush when they are allowed to do so.

Thus the decline may not be too surprising. If anything, the fall simply reflects a levelling out to a more normal rate.

There could also have been cases in which some gays had pulled out at the last minute, as they were not psychologically prepared to walk to the altar yet.

Amid the debate over the spending power of the gay community, the question is whether the marketing industry has done enough to capitalise on this largely untapped market.

Say what you like, but the industry needs to develop more new products, new targeted campaigns and more training for their workers to cater for gays and lesbians.

So far, the “one-size-fits-all” marketing promotions seem to be targeting the general population – the fashion-conscious, music lovers, food connoisseurs and even children.

Well, just about everyone, except the gay and lesbian consumers. For the most part, they are left pretty much to themselves to pick out what they want.

Then again, there’s nothing really wrong in buying the things you want based on your needs, instead of being influenced by advertising campaigns.

And during the financial squeeze, there’s even more reason to be prudent in one’s spending.

So while shopping for Christmas is inevitable, the tendency to overspend must be curbed, irrespective of the irresistible promotions and festive offers.

After all, it’s always wise to save for a rainy day. The economic slowdown affects everyone, whether gay or not.

Bintang Histeria

Barisan pelakon Histeria yang diambil dari Kosmo. Klik untuk lebih besar.

Filem Tentang Lesbian

Tentu uols masih ingat baru-baru ni Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan telah mengharamkan pengkid. Then kali ini ada pula filem tempatan yang diterbitkan yang akan mengkisahkan tentang dunia lesbian ni. Filem tu bertajuk Histeria. Adakah nanti akan terbit pula filem yang mengisahkan tentang dunia gay and then dunia maknyah and then dunia crossdresser? Filem ini akan dijadikan sebagai precedent bagi filem-filem lain. Jika alam kehidupan lesbian boleh diluluskan oleh pihak Lembaga Penapis filem, tentu filem tentang alternatif lain pun kena lulus juga. Mak tak nak lah komen sangat kerana mak bukannya arif tentang filem ni.

Ada adegan panaslah uols : Sarat dengan adegan yang boleh dikatakan 'panas' termasuk babak ciuman antara dua watak perempuan iaitu Alissa dan Zeta,

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Kecelaruan Gender - Panjang

Gender poser dalam The Star.

Wednesday November 26, 2008

Gender poser


While the causes of gender identity disorders are still disputed, one thing is certain – these patients need care and compassion, rather than discrimination.

A PERSON’S sex is defined, at the time of birth or soon after, by an inspection of the external genital organs (or anatomical sex).

The term “gender identity” refers to the person’s feelings as to whether he or she is male or female. “Gender role” describes how people publicly express themselves in their clothing, appearance, conversation, body language and behaviour.

A person with gender identity disorder (GID) has a marked discordance between his or her anatomical sex and gender identity. The person has cross-gender identification, with a desire to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex. In short, one who is identified as a male may feel like and act like a female, and vice versa. The common descriptive terms used are effeminate men and “butch” women.

It is important to distinguish gender identity from sexual orientation – which is the sex that one is attracted to – such as heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. The proportion of the latter in people with GID is not different from those who do not have GID.

Data from Europe reports that one in 30,000 adult males and one in 100,000 adult females seek sexual reassignment surgery due to GID. There is no published data on the prevalence of GID in Malaysia. However, Zulhizzam’s study of GID among male students in selected public institutions of higher learning in the Klang Valley provides some insight. Sixty-eight cases and 175 controls responded to self-administered questionnaires. Of the GID cases, 55 (80.9%) were Malays and 13 (19.1%) were non-Malays. Their characteristics included persistent cross gender roles in social or play activities (58 or 85.3%); spoke or attempted female speech (51 or 70.6%); displayed feminine-like body and limb movements (48 or 70.6%) and insisted on being treated or accepted as female (35 or 51.5%).

Some were disgusted with their own genitals and were willing to get rid of it (13 or 19.1%) and some had attempted to change their sexual characteristics by taking female hormones (13 or 19.1%). What is of concern is that high risk sexual behaviour was increased in GID cases (52.9%) as compared to controls (16.4%), with homosexuality, the most common sexual practice.


Although the causes of GID are still the subject of debate, there is evidence to suggest that the basis is neurobiological. Some believe that the physical and mental health of the affected person’s mother when pregnant plays a role in the genesis of GID. Others believe that there is an altered reaction between the foetal brain and the sex hormones in early pregnancy. Differences have also been found in the brains of male-to-female transsexuals.

GID has also been attributed to developmental problems in early childhood. Adults with GID have reported differences in child-rearing practices as compared to those without GID. Male-to-female transsexuals reported that their fathers were less warm, more rejecting, and controlled excessively. Female-to-male transsexuals reported that both parents were more rejecting and less emotionally warm, but their mothers were more overprotective.

GID is recognised as a medical problem. The various types of GID, according to the World Health Organisation classification are listed below.

Transsexualism is defined as “a desire to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex, usually accompanied by a sense of discomfort with, or inappropriateness of, one’s anatomic sex, and the wish to have surgery and hormonal treatment to make one’s body as congruent as possible with one’s preferred sex.”

Dual-role transvestism is defined as “the wearing of clothes of the opposite sex for part of the individual’s existence in order to enjoy the temporary experience of membership of the opposite sex, but without any desire for a more permanent sex change or associated surgical reassignment, and without sexual excitement accompanying the cross-dressing.”

Gender identity disorder of childhood is defined as “a disorder, usually first manifested during early childhood (and always well before puberty), characterised by a persistent and intense distress about assigned sex, together with a desire or insistence to be the other sex.

The diagnosis requires a profound disturbance of the normal gender identity; mere tomboyishness in girls or girlish behaviour in boys is not sufficient. Gender identity disorders in individuals who have reached or are entering puberty should not be classified here but as psychological and behavioural disorders associated with sexual development and orientation.”

The diagnosis of GID is complex as the phenomenon is not homogenous. The diagnostic criteria for GID (transsexualism) include strong and persistent cross-gender identification that extends beyond a desire for perceived advantages stated in the preceding paragraph.

GID in children is defined by four or more of the following characteristics: a desire to be the other sex; preference for cross-sex roles in play or preference for cross-dressing; persistent fantasies of being the other sex; intense desire to participate in stereotypical games and pastimes of the other sex; and strong preference for playmates of the other sex.

Boys loathe their penis or testes and rough play, believe their genitals will disappear, and reject male toys. Girls reject urinating in the sitting position, stress that they will grow a penis and do not want to grow breasts or menstruate, and dislike feminine clothes.

Adolescents and adults may experience the following: desire to be the other sex; frequent passing as the other sex; desire to live or be treated as the other sex; has the typical feelings and reactions of the opposite sex; and persistent discomfort with his or her sex or sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex. Adolescents and adults may be preoccupied with getting rid of their sexual characteristics, and may believe that they were born with the wrong sex.

Treatment options

People with GID have significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of functioning. There is a range of treatment options available, such as hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery, for which the patient will be given counselling. Psychotherapy is essential as it will help in decisions about progression to hormone and surgical therapy.

Sex reassignment surgery (SRS) may be considered when the doctors supervising treatment are convinced of compliance with strict eligibility criteria. The surgical procedures for female-to-male SRS include removing breasts, the uterus and ovaries, and the construction of a penis and scrotum.

The surgical procedures for male-to-female SRS are removal of the penis and testes, construction of a vagina, breast augmentation, reshaping of the nose and throat and facial remodelling.

Not everyone requires or is suited for SRS. The factors contri buting to satisfaction include young age, strong family and social support, and successful surgery.

There is considerable social stigma attached to GID. This is sad as those affected need multi-disciplinary medical assistance. Society needs to be less judgmental and more caring and compassionate. This will go a long way in helping those who are in a situation that is not of their making.

Dr Milton Lum is chairperson of the Commonwealth Medical Trust. This article is not intended to replace, dictate or define evaluation by a qualified doctor. The views expressed do not represent that of any organisation the writer is associated with.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bra Untuk Lelaki CD

Sebuah syarikat di Jepun telah menjual bra secara online untuk lelaki yang minat pada crossdressing dan telah menjadi salah satu item yang paling polupar. Tulah laporan dari Reuters. Komen mak: pastinya ramai lelaki straight yang berminat  memakai pakaian wanita bukan? Lelaki yang berminat dengan lingerie ni dikatakan sebagai lingerie fetish. Macam mak juga. Mula-mula dulu minat dengan panties sahaja dan kemudian upgrade ke bra. Pastu baru berubah kepada pakaian lain yang seksi meksi. 

Ni laporan dari Reuters tu yang mak translatekan. 


Siapa kata bra hanya untuk wanita? Sebuah kedai lingerie online menjual bra untuk lelaki yang minat crossdressing dan dengan cepat menjadi salah satu item yang paling popular. Ianya dilancarkan dua minggu lepas di Rakuten, sebuah shopping mall dalam talian Jepun. Kedai itu, The Wishroom telah menjual lebih daripada 300 bra untuk lelaki dengan harga 2,800 Yen  ($30) satu.  Kedai itu juga menjual panties untuk lelaki disamping lingerie untuk wanita. 

Seorang wakil Wishroom, Masayuki, yang mengayakan bra untuk lelaki itu memberitahu bahawa beliau rasa selesa dengan pakaian itu dan ianya boleh dipakai secara rahsia di bawah pakaian harian normal mereka. Seorang Pengarah Eksekutif Wishroom,AkikoOkunomiya, rasa hairan bahawa ramai lelaki yang mempunyai perasaan seperti wanita.

"Saya rasa semakin ramai lelaki sudah mula berminat dengan bra.  Sejak ianya dilancarkan, syarikat itu menerima maklumbalas dari pelanggan yang mengatakan,' wow! kami telah menanti perkara ini sejak sekian lama'.

Namun demikian, bra yang boleh didapati dalam warna hitam, merah jambu dan putih, bukannya sesuatu yang mudah dijual kepada semua lelaki. Pakaian dalam itu telah menimbulkan perdebatan hangat di Mixi, sebuah laman web sosial popular di Jepun. Lebih daripada 8,000 orang mempertikai kelebihan lelaki memakai bra itu.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Seks Di Bilik Bedah

Seorang wanita berusia 24 tahun mendakwa dalam sebuah lamanweb bahawa dia melakukan hubungan seks dalam bilik bedah di sebuah hospital di Singapura. 

A 24-YEAR-OLD woman claimed on a website that she had sex in an operation theatre at a hospital in Singapore, reported Sin Chew Daily.

The woman, who posted a photograph of herself wearing a nurse uniform and a mask, claimed that she had a “good time” with her fiancée while serving as a nurse in the hospital’s emergency ward.

She also claimed that her fiancée is a medical doctor who worked in the same hospital.

The woman said she hoped to try out “the stuff” at other places.

“I have tried out at my workplace. Now, I will attempt to do it in a school or even on a flight,” the newspaper quoted her as saying on the website.

When contacted, a hospital spokesman denied that the woman had worked there.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Jangan Bantah Hukum Allah. Nak Buat Juga Tu Hak Individu

mengapa orang Islam nak bantah hukum Allah? Hukum tetap hukum. Kalau nak buat juga itu hak individu dan janganlah salahkan Majlis Fatwa. Depa tu melaksanakan tugas yang dipertanggungjawabkan kepada mereka dan berdasarkan hukum Allah. Hukum Allah ni valid sepanjang masa dari zaman Nabi hinggalah ke hari kiamat. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Crossdresser Merompak?

SINGAPORE: A man wearing women's clothes was arrested for a robbery attempt at a United Overseas Bank branch at City Plaza in Geylang Serai on Monday afternoon. Fears on the ground that the forty-something- year-old man had been carrying an explosive on him later proved unfounded.

According to a CISCO guard who pinned down the suspect, he already knew  that something was wrong when the suspect entered the bank. He said the suspect was acting very suspiciously. Furthermore, he was wearing female  clothes. After passing a piece of paper to the bank staff, the suspect turned around to face the security guard and warned him not to interfere. That's when the security guard pinned him down. Cisco Security Guard, Rosli MD Sa'ad, said: "The moment he turned to me he said, `Don't be a hero. You got three minutes.' The moment I pinned him down, the rest moved to the side. But I was very lucky as  the staff also helped me in this situation."

Behind the building, police had cordoned off another area and a van seemed to be the centre of attention. Many police officers were seen entering and leaving the bank. Police officers were also seen carry in items which the suspect is believed to have had with him while trying to rob the bank. However, the police wouldn't say what they contained.

According to a UOB spokesman, no one was hurt and the incident is under police investigation. - CNA/vm

Siang Cikgu Malam Melacur

Seorang guru sekolah rendah di Auckland, NewZealand telah membuatkan Pengetuanya runsing kerana menjadi pelacur pada sebelah malam. Ibu dua anak yang berusia 32 tahun itu mencari pendapatan tambahan sebagai pelacur selepas waktu tugas. 

KLIK untuk baca seterusnya. Sorrylah uols. Dalam Bahasa Inggeris. 

Masih Ramai Yang Tidak Sedar

Nampaknya masih ramai pelayar internet tidak menyedari atau sengaja tidak mahu sedar tentang penipuan-penipuan inline ini. Dari semasa ke semasa kita sering dengar ada saja mangsa yang terkena. Sama ada duit ringgit atau pun tergadai body dan maruah. Hari ni dalam Kosmo uols bacalah tentang satu penipuan lagi.

KUALA TERENGGANU - Kisah ‘cinta’ palsu di laman sembang siber yang berakhir dengan penipuan kini timbul lagi dengan mangsa terbaru seorang pengurus wanita berusia 43 tahun.

Mengikut cerita mangsa yang berasal dari Kemaman, dia berkenalan dengan seorang lelaki yang didakwa warga asing pada 2 November lalu.

Suspek yang dikatakan pandai menggunakan kata-kata manis, berjaya memikat hati mangsa untuk membayar RM2,500 semata-mata bagi mendapatkan barangan mewah seperti barang kemas, beg kulit berjenama, komputer riba dan wang tunai AS 5,000.

Namun mangsa itu tidak mengambil iktibar daripada laporan Kosmo! pada 9 Oktober lalu mengenai tiga wanita, juga dari negeri ini, mendakwa kerugian melebihi RM25,000 menerusi taktik penipuan dengan modus operandi yang sama.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pencuri pun minat bra

Tengok ni. Pencuri pun minat juga dengan bra. Ni berlaku di Marang, Terengganu.

MARANG: You just never know what a burglar will steal from your house: cash, jewellery and maybe a bra or two!

That was exactly what the culprit, or culprits, took when they broke into the house of a 49-year-old civil servant and his wife on Friday in Kampung Batu 12, here.

They stole RM1,500, RM10,000 worth of jewellery and a bra

The man had left home for a seminar in Kuala Lumpur while his wife was away visiting her family in Dungun.

State Criminal Investigation Department deputy chief Superintendent Khairi Ahrasa said the civil servant was returning home on Saturday evening when he received a call from a neighbour informing him about the break-in.
He said when the man returned home, he found the front door had been forced open and his house ransacked. The man lodged a report at the Marang police station at 10pm, claiming two pearl necklaces, five gold rings, the cash and the bra was missing.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Parti Gay Diserbu

70 orang lelaki telah disoalsiasat oleh pihak polis setalah mereka ditahan dalam satu serbuan dalam apa yang dikatakan sebagai parti gay. Mereka ditahan dalam satu serbuan pihak polis di pusat kesihatan, rumah urut tradisional di Seberang Jaya dan Georgetown dalam usaha pihak polis untu kmembentaras kegiatan pelacuran.

Berita selanjutnya

GEORGE TOWN, Malaysia: Police broke up four gay parties and nabbed 70 people, some of whom were literally caught with their pants down. Those detained included locals, Americans, Europeans and a Chinese national.

Police, in a blitz to weed out vice activities here and in Seberang Jaya on Saturday, stumbled upon the parties specially organised for the men.

In the three-hour raids that started at 5.30pm, police stormed into a traditional massage parlour and a fitness centre in Midlands Park and two other fitness centres in Seberang Jaya.

The raiding party seized used condoms, pornography DVDs, gay magazines, lubrication jelly and boxes of condoms found in the four premises.

Police said the organisers had used legitimate businesses as their front to conduct the illicit activities to hoodwink the authorities.

George Town Deputy OCPD Supt Gan Kong Meng said they arrested 29 men, including a Chinese national, at the massage parlour and fitness centre here during the 8.30pm raid.

Many of them were found naked when police walked into the joints, he said.

The men, aged between 20 and 40, were arrested and questioned at the state police headquarters in Penang Road and were later released on bail, he added.

"Those caught will be charged with gross indecency," said Supt Gan, adding that police had raided the massage parlour and fitness centre five times in the past.

In Seberang Jaya, the police conducted the raid following public tip-offs and caught 41 suspects, including the Westerners.

The suspects were taken to the Seberang Jaya district police headquarters and had their statements recorded before being released on police bail.

Police are also looking for the owners of the two premises to prosecute them for allowing their premises to be used as vice dens.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Puppet Doll

Ni berita dalam Harian Metro tentang satu gejala baru dalam dunia seks melibatkan maknyah di negara kita.

Ambil upah layan naluri mak nyah

Oleh Mohd Firdaus Ibrahim

ALOR STAR: ‘Puppet Doll’ atau ‘shuban’. Itulah gelaran diberikan golongan homoseksual atau mak nyah kepada lelaki kacak yang menyediakan perkhidmatan layanan ‘khas’ kepada mereka.

Difahamkan, Puppet Doll atau budak patung akan menjadi pengiring kepada golongan mak nyah berkenaan untuk menemani mereka sepanjang malam.

Malah, ada antara Puppet Doll turut bersedia untuk menemani ‘kaki homoseksual’ itu sehingga ke ranjang semata-mata akibat gelap mata kerana mampu mendapatkan habuan wang ringgit setiap bulan.

Lebih menjengkilkan, segelintir daripada mereka juga sanggup menjadi ‘kekasih’ kepada mak nyah terbabit dan dikatakan perlu melayani nafsu buas golongan itu sepanjang malam.

Perkara itu didedahkan seorang pelajar tahun akhir sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) dikenali sebagai Fauzi, 20-an, yang bergelumang dalam dunia berkenaan sejak setahun lalu.

Fauzi berkata, segalanya bermula apabila dia diperkenalkan oleh seorang rakannya kepada seorang mak nyah yang dikenali sebagai Nisa berusia lingkungan 30-an.

“Pada awalnya, saya hanya menyediakan perkhidmatan menemani mereka untuk keluar minum dan menghabiskan masa pada sebelah malam. Namun, selepas beberapa minggu mengenalinya, Nisa menawarkan pekerjaan kepada saya dan menjanjikan pulangan lumayan.

“Dia tawarkan menjadi kekasihnya dan tugas saya hanyalah menemaninya dan melayani kerenahnya terutamanya pada hari minggu. Nisa menjanjikan gaji tetap RM2,000 sebulan, sebuah kereta dan telefon bimbit sekiranya saya bersetuju.

“Bagaimanapun, pada mulanya saya menolak pelawaannya dengan baik dan Nisa pula menerima keputusan berkenaan dengan hati terbuka,” katanya ketika ditemui, di sini, semalam.

Menurutnya, selepas dua bulan mengenali dan menemani Nisa, dia kemudiannya bersetuju menjadi kekasih kepada mak nyah berkenaan.

“Semua ini disebabkan masalah kewangan bagi meneruskan pengajian. Kalau nak diharapkan bayaran perkhidmatan menemaninya memang tidak cukup. Setiap kali keluar, dia hanya bayar RM150 hingga RM200 atau belanja makan saja.

“Lagipun, saya bukanlah daripada keluarga berada. Nak sambung belajar dulu pun, bapa saya terpaksa berhutang sana sini,” katanya.

Fauzi berkata, disebabkan keinginannya mahu meringankan bebanan yang ditanggung keluarga di samping memiliki kehidupan lebih bergaya dan mewah, maka dia sanggup menggadaikan maruah diri bagi melayani nafsu buas Nisa.

“Nisa adalah seorang mak nyah bernafsu binatang. Dia seolah-olah tidak puas dengan apa yang saya lakukan dan ada kalanya dia bertindak cukup ganas. Saya cukup terseksa dengan perbuatannya itu.

“Pada permulaannya memang jijik dan menyeksakan tetapi lama-kelamaan bertukar menjadi seronok. Hanya disebabkan khabar angin mengatakan Nisa menghidapi sindrom kurang daya tahan penyakit (Aids), maka saya meninggalkannya kerana bimbang dijangkiti.

“Selama menjadi kekasihnya, hidup saya cukup mewah dan apa saja yang dikehendaki semuanya mampu dimiliki,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Mufti Selangor, Datuk Seri Mohd Tamyes Abd Wahib, ketika dihubungi, berkata perkara seumpama itu perlu dibendung serta-merta kerana ia bertentangan dengan tatasusila masyarakat dan ajaran agama.

“Perkara ini mesti dipandang serius semua pihak. Antaranya keluarga, masyarakat dan pihak berkuasa kerana ia akan merosakkan moral golongan muda yang bakal menjadi pemangkin kepada pembangunan negara pada masa depan,” katanya.

Menurutnya, masalah kewangan bukanlah alasan sehingga menyebabkan mereka terjebak ke dalam lembah maksiat.

“Niat tidak akan menghalalkan cara. Lebih banyak pekerjaan yang baik dan halal boleh dilakukan dalam negara ini. Lagipun, setiap pelajar diberikan pinjaman Perbadanan Tabung Pengajian Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) dan alasan yang diberikan sememangnya tidak masuk akal,” katanya.