Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Tagged Cancelled

Bila mak buka Gmail mak tengok ada email dari Tagged. Dia bagi tahu mak yang account mak telah kena cancel. Makpun tatau why my account was cancelled. Ada gak warning yang bagi tau mak voilate dia punya term tapi se ingat mak, mak takder pun post apa-apa yang voilate dia punya term. Kalau mak copy something  from someone else profile ke profile mak dianggap bahan yang violate dia punya syarat, then why profile yang  jadi sumber mak tu, tak kena delete. If you were to visit the profiles, most of them post porn materials but tamy k kena delete pun. Mak heran. Administrator Tagged ni ada selective termination.

So kalau uols yang dah mak add sbg friend, nanti mak akan add semula Kay?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Janganlah Uols Buat Macam Ni

Mak baca ni dalam Daily Chilli tentang sorang guy tu nak jadi fomfuan dan secara DIY. 
Hmm...uols janganlah tiru macam ni tau......

A 17-year-old boy from Bolivia, researched through the Internet how to remove his genitals and tried to operate himself because he was determined to become a woman.
The teenager almost bled to death.
The young boy was not happy with his sexuality, and decided to cut off his testicles, causing severe bleeding.

His family had been against his wish to change sex.
Doctors were not surprised by the case, and said they had had other patients with similar problems including one who tried to remove the entire penis.
In the latest case, the boy had applied local anesthesia and began the procedure with the help of a mirror, but when he made the first cut, he started to bleed and could not continue.
The youngater said he “wanted to cut off his testicles to have more feminine features like thinner skin, a thin voice and prevent the growth of pubic hair.”

Published Feb 21, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thigh High Boots

Kisah Crossdresser Di Akhbar

Dalam MyMetro dilaporkan seorang cikgu yang crossdress ditahan dalam satu operasi di Melaka. Dulu kita dengar citer sorang cikgu juga ambik bahagian dalam pertandingan ratu di Kelantan. Uols baca selanjutnya. SINI.
Ni pula berita from Johor. Dua orang crossdresser telah didenda di mahkamah. They ols didenda kerana memakai pakaian dan berlagak seperti wanita di tempat awam. Jayabarathi Sri Ram, 49 tahun dan Chin Yoke  Fatt, 44 tahun telah ditahan di hadapan kedai 24 jam di Jalan Wong Ah Fook. Mereka disyakki berpakaian wanita dengan niat untuk mencari pelanggan.   

"They were charged under Section 21 of the Minor Offences Act which carries a maximum sentence of 14 days’ jail and a RM1,000 fine.
Magistrate Hafizah Johor Ariff Johor fined Jayabarathi RM25 for the offence and in default 14 days’ imprisonment.
Jayabarathi settled the fine.
Chin, who was charged at a separate court, was fined RM200 by Magistrate Mohd Fuad Abdul Aziz and in default 14 days’ imprisonment." The Star Online

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Daddy-daddy Naked

Lama juga mak tak browse link dari follower dalam blog mak. Mak memang suka klik pada follower mak. Hari ni mak browse lagi. Daripada sala seorang follower mak itu ada terjumpa satu link yang mak kira maybe out of the way but ada juga yang berminat dengan daddies. So kalau uols minat pada daddy-daddy dan nak tengok pic they ols kliklah sini. Just mak nak warn uols, blog ni bukan local tetapi dari negara jiran. So uols yang ada plan nak melawat negara jiran tu dan minat pada daddy bolehlah cuba-cuba nasib. 

Monday, February 8, 2010

Lingerie Celoreng

Lingerie ni sebenarnya mak bli lama dah sewaktu perig ke Kuching. Mak beli di sebuah kedai menjual lingerie di Wisma Saberkas. Masa tu kedai tu buat sales dan kebetulan lingerie ni dijual agak murah sebab ada potongan 50%. Sesuai tak kalau mak pakai masa camping kat hutan? Ahaksss........