Thursday, January 31, 2008

Adaline Kay -Singapura

Mak admire seorang crossdresser dari Singapura bernama Adaline Kay. Pertama kali mak tengok pic Adeline atau nama ringkasnya Ada ialah dalam friendsters. Apa yang menarik perhatian mak pada ketika itu ialah kerana dressing dalam picnya seksi. Walaupun usianya sudah meningkat 50an tetapi dia masih kelihatan seksi sebagai seorang perempuan.

Ini merupakan profile tentang ada yang mak ambik dari blognya dekat friendsters tu,

I am an older cross dresser here; Ooops... should be a TS(MtF) ba? since I have boobs and feminine body. Well, it begins when I was just a little boy and love to dress as girl but then too afraid to transit. But now I am too old le but still love dressing. Have been going to a lot of an up and down in life trying to quit and not to identify myself as Ada but ended up very unhappy about it. I tried to quit dressing before I reach 50 next year but just find it hard for me to take it. I went into hiding for awhile and find that this world is just too lonely for me if I dun dress at all. Now that I find much happiness again to be myself and love what I want to do. To some people I am just a freak, not a real "sister". I have been look down and many people find me weird now. They look at me like "alien" but I dun care what other think of me. As long as I am happy to do what I like and once in awhile when my mood come I would slip naughtily into my dress. Just want to be simple looking plain Jane in me will do. I love simple things. Even at home now I am always in casual denim short and white tight V-neck T. But still hope one day I can be freely in dress at work and home but I dare not think so much now. Cuz I am too old to do anything to transit.
Ini pula mak copy dari blog yang sama tentang dirinya,

I am Ada by my fem name and I am a very shy and simple minded person in my fifties. I am slightly tan in complexion, slim looking, weigh 63 kg and standing at 1.62 m on my bare feet. The bad about me is I am very stubborn headed, quick temper, emotional, conceited, self-esteemed, sensitive, easily provoked, envious and moody if I am angry. I believe in retribution..... you reap what you sow. I can be doubling nice to people if I am treated fairly. I hated people who look down on others and pass remarks on one's behaviour, look and life style. I am a very health conscience minded person and I always take good care of my own personal hygiene. I might look vain and sexy in my dressing but that is all part of my femininity that I possess naturally in me which make want to be Ada sometimes. So please dun misunderstood me. I might be a stubborn at times but I have the good side of me too. All my friends who know me known that I am friendly, generous, benevolent, giving, soft, kind hearted, caring, loving, sharing and understanding. That I dun have to say for myself. I like nice and sincere people, friendly and understanding to share the same interest and fun as good friend. I hate arrogant, haughty and aloof people who like to take magnificent in them own selves and ignoring the feeling of other.

Picture credit: all pictures uploaded by Adeline on friensters, sggurls and crossdressnus

Saturday, January 26, 2008

My Husband is crossdressing and it is soooo uncomfortable

Mak ada subscribe terhadap dua Google alert iaitu Xiaxue dan crossdressing. Hampir setiap hari mak akan dimaklumkan oleh Google tentang adanya laman atau blog yang memuatkan dua perkataan tersebut ituewww. Di bawah ini mak paparkan satu surat yang dihantar oleh seorang isteri kepada yang runsing dengan masalah suaminya menjadi seorang crossdresser.

Pengadu ini : A female United Kingdom age 18-21

Ok this is going to be complicated.

My husband of over a year has started to act a little different. At first I found out that he likes backdoor play, and not on me on him! Then a few weeks ago he started wearing my undies, Telling me that they were morcomfortable. I thought nothing of it and let it slide. Then one day he asked me if i would like to dress him up and put makeup on it. I'm a niave teenage girl, And curiosty killed the cat. So I did. Well, I seem to have let this go a little to far because now he wants to dress like a girl all the time! Not in public but just at home. He also wants to have sex with me while wearing makeup and girl clothes. Wel, Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with race, sexuality, sex, religion, etc. I know this is probably going to sound a bit hypocritical, but what he is doing makes me SOOO uncomfortable. I tried talking to him about this, explaining that it makes me very uncomfortable, but He doesn't understand my reasons. I thought I was clear enough, but I don't think we are on the same page. I don't want this to go any further than it already has, not only becasue it makes me uncomfortable, but because we have a young daughter and I don't want her to get the wrong idea about her daddy. Any advice would be wonderful, I'm really at a loss of how to get my husband to understand!

Thank you!

Seorang pembaca menjawab:

A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 January 2008):

He's not going to change. I went thru the same thing, I was not able to have anyone stop buy our house, I would have to make sure our son didn't just walk into our bedroom. The way to know that things are not going to change is when you tell him how it makes you feel, and you don't like it! And he still continues to do it knowing you are uncomfortable and unhappy. If that is the case He doesn't Love You, if He doesn't care if what he does makes you unhappy or doesn't care what you think of him!

Jawapan pembaca kedua

A female reader, Laura1318 Malaysia +, writes (23 January 2008):

Laura1318 agony auntWomen's undies are more comfortable . There are men who wear women's undies. He has a fetish for woman's clothes or he could be a transsexual.A woman in a man's body. He maybe born a man but feels like a woman .He could be slowly finding his own sexuality.He is not gay or bi.(Google the word , 'transsexual' to learn more about their behaviors.) Since , his behavior is only confined to the home, his case is not full blown yet or he would be dressing it all the time inside and outside the house. You will have to accept and tolerate his behavior at home and let your daughter understand. It is not a kind of sickness but transsexuals are not made, they are born with this kind of bisexual behaviors. You will have to be more understanding and hope that this is only a fad and he gets tired of it. Some daughters can understand why their dads behave that way.I have friends who are transsexuals and their daughters accept their transsexual dads.

Video Masaj

Kahuna Massage Video

Hari Jadi Drag

Desperate Housewifes

Vanity & Pride

Desperate Housewifes

Vanity & Pride

La Rivinchinta

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mak Bukannya Maknyah

Mak jumpa satu laman web kuiz bagi mengetahui sama ada mak ingin menjadi seorang maknyah. Kuis itu berbunyi, "So you want to be a transvestite? Mak cuba kuiz itu dan tahu apa jawapan yang mak dapat? Inilah keputusan yang mak dapat.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Kuiz Tentang Diri Mak

Mak cuba kuiz ni tentang minat mak about pakaian dalam. So inilah jenis panties merk.
What Underwear Best Suits You?

Take the quiz!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Nyah Rempit?

Lelaki seksi kena cekup

Oleh Norfaisal Jahuri

MELAKA: Seorang remaja yang disangka Minah Rempit yang menyertai kumpulan rempit lain untuk bersuka ria sempena menyambut tahun baru awal pagi semalam sebenarnya seorang pondan.

Lelaki berusia 22 tahun itu yang berpakaian kemejaT ketat, berseluar denim sendat dan berambut panjang itu ditahan kira-kira jam 2.30 pagi ketika menaiki motosikal dalam operasi bersepadu awal pagi, semalam.

Remaja terbabit dikatakan keluar bersiar-siar di sekitar bandar ini dengan motosikal selepas pulang dari tempat kerja sebelum ditahan dalam satu pemeriksaan jalan raya di Jalan Tun Perak.

Ketua Pegawai Penguatkuasa Agama Jabatan Agama Islam Melaka (Jaim), Rahimin Bani, berkata remaja terbabit pada mulanya ditahan untuk pemeriksaan biasa pihak polis.

Katanya, selepas mendapati ada sesuatu yang tidak kena dan apabila diminta menunjukkan kad pengenalan, didapati dia seorang lelaki lalu terus dirujuk kepada pegawai penguat kuasa Jaim yang bertugas dalam operasi itu.

"Selepas mendapati remaja itu sebenarnya lelaki tetapi berlagak sebagai wanita, kami terus menahannya untuk siasatan lanjut," katanya kepada Harian Metro, di sini, semalam.

Operasi bersepadu selama lima jam bermula jam 12 tengah malam itu turut disertai polis dan Ikatan Relawan Rakyat (Rela). Operasi tertumpu kepada kegiatan lumba haram dan khalwat terutama menjelang sambutan tahun baru.

Rahimin berkata, seorang lagi lelaki berlagak wanita turut ditahan setengah jam selepas remaja terbabit ditahan.