Thursday, August 14, 2008

So Uols Masturbate?

Mak tahu hampir semua orang melakukannya. Ramai pula yang mengatakan aktiviti masturbation ni boleh menyebabkan lemah tenaga bathin. Boleh menyebabkan sakit pinggang. Macam-macamlah lagi yang maybe uols dengar. Tapi apa yang jelas dari segai agama ianya haram dan diklasifikasikan sebagai zina tangan. Ouls buang benih secara sia-sia yang sepatutnya disemia dalam rahim seorang isteri. But as uols know la, masturbation ni salah satu jalan keluar untuk release tension walaupun tahu ianya haram. Ia juga jalan keluar untuk mengelakkan uols dari melakukan zina melalui persetubuhan haram dengan pasangan yang bukan hak uols seperti isteri atau suami. Whatever alasan yang uols berikan haram tetap haram. Cuma jika uols buat uols tanggung sendirilah kan? Tu hak uols lah.

Apa yang mak nak post kat sini tentang amalan masturbasi dari segi saintifiknya. Bukanlah niat mak nak galakkan uols melakukan masturbasi tetapi sebagai pengetahuan untuk memperjelaskan tentang myth melancap itu.

Mak petik ini dari sebuah blog.

Mengikut Martha Cornog, yang menulis buku "The Big Book of Masturbation", self-pleasuring is surely the second most common human sex act. And, despite its torrid history, that’s proving to be a good thing. Turns out this once taboo behavior has plenty of health benefits and can do wonders for your sex life.

Health Benefits for Men

Research summarized in a 2007 article in Sexual and Relationship Therapy found that masturbation may help men by:

— Improving his immune system’s functioning.

— Building his resistance to prostate gland infection.

— Making for a healthier prostate.

Australian researchers have reported that frequent masturbation may lower a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer. A survey of men found the more frequently a man masturbates between the ages of 20 and 50, the less likely they are to get prostate cancer. In fact, those who masturbated more than five times a week were one-third less likely to develop prostate cancer.

Health Benefits for Females

When it comes to a woman’s health, self-pleasuring serves her well by:

— Building her resistance to yeast infections.

— Combating pre-menstrual tension and other physical conditions associated with their menstrual cycles, like cramps.

— Relieving painful menstruation by increasing blood flow to the pelvic region. This will also reduce pelvic cramping and related backaches.

— Relieving chronic back pain and increasing her threshold for pain.

Health Benefits for Both Sexes

Masturbation rewards both men and women because it’s:

— The safest kind of sex, keeping you free of sexually transmitted infections.

— A great form of stress relief.

— A mood booster in releasing endorphins.

— A natural sleep sedative.

— A mechanism for building stronger pelvic floor muscles, which can lead to better sex.

— A natural energetic pick-me-up.

As Sigmund Freud once remarked at the Vienna Psycho-Analytical Society, “the subject of masturbation is quite inexhaustible.” While he wasn’t getting at the benefits (Freud saw self-pleasuring as harmful to the genitals and one’s psychosexual and moral development), the same can be said in how it can improve one’s sexual relationship.

For couples who masturbate on occasion or regularly, sex with yourself can:

— Be empowering, especially by helping you to feel better about your body, genitals and sexual response.

— Deliver some of your most intense orgasms ever, which you’ll now know how to recreate with that special someone!

— Increase your sexual awareness, giving you the opportunity to discover what turns you on – the sensations and movements that work best to give you the greatest of sexual gratification.

— Have the potential to enhance your sex life in general, boosting your sexual confidence and turning you into a better lover.

— Get you or your partner off the hook if neither is available or not in the mood.

Reference: HERE

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