Thursday, April 19, 2007


Saya anggap diri saya sebagai seorang crossdresser sahaja. Tetapi apabila orang tengok gambar saya dalam myspace, they ols ingat saya maknyah atau shemale. Hmm....maybe saya ni photogenic kot dengan pose-pose keperempuanan itu (perasan). Actually saya ni taklah macam maknyah-maknyah yang cute dan beautiful itu. Saya ni just an ordinary male who have a fetish for lingeries especially bra, panties, heels dan nighties. Just lately saja saya cuba menjelajah untuk mengenakan pakaian lain yang menambahbaikkan fetish saya untuk crossdress ini.

Baru-baru ini saya menerima satu email dari t-magazine di mana saya register untuk mendapat newsletter mereka. So salah satu bahan yang mereka hatar ialah mengenai istilah transgendered yang mana mereka gunakan bigender. Bacalah apa yang mereka hantar pada saya di bawah ini.

We have been in a constant struggle for identity. Our bodies and our spirits do not mesh. It matters not if you are m2f, f2m, or intergendered, one fact is clear, we are in some way both male and female at once. We may look like one sex and think like the other, or we may have body parts of both. In one way or another our true sex, our gender, is both, and neither. I have come up with a more apt description for us all, BiGender. Since some of us do not wish to go through with the final phase of gender reassignment, for fear of complications, or cost, and some of us are happy to leave well enough alone and live between male and female in some way, a true description of us would be to say that we are BiGendered people. BiGendered: To have both male and female facets of your being, To be physically both male and female, To have the mind of one gender and the body of the other. Since modern medicine cannot fully 'transform' a male into a total female, or a female into a total male, Bigender is the best description of us all. I cannot honestly say I am in transition from one to another, since the word means that at the end I will be completely female. I know that I will never carry a baby in my womb, I will never have a monthly period, and I will never go through meneopause. I am BiGender, born male with a female soul. I continue my quest to become more female each day. But truth be told, I am now, and shall always be.... BiGendered.

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