Saturday, October 31, 2009

Laman Sosial

Selepas upload dua pic mak pakai lingerie tadi, mak kembali surf. Mak login kat Facebook sebab ada request untuk add friend. Then selepas accept request, mak upload pic yang diambil lebih awal tadi tu. So kat Facebook mak ada semua koleksi yang mak ambik hari ini.

Dah lama tak buka friendsters sejak concentrate kat tagged. My Space pun dah lama tak buka.

Laman sosial ni banyak, kalau nak ikut memang tak larat. So mak just stick to a few je. Paling kerap mak buka ialah Tagged

Kat Tagged pun ada mak create satu group Malaysian Crossdressing Gruop. Plan mak untuk crossdresser, tetapi nampaknya ada juga jantanz yang request. Tu yang mak serbasalah.

Lingerie Baru

Sekarang mk tinggal sorang kat rumah. So sebenatar tadi mak masuk bilik dan cari lingerie ni yang mak beli kat Giant Kinrara. Hrganya memang menakjubkan. Just RM 10.00. Memang tak percaya bukan? Maybe yg ni last one, so dia lelonglah. Mak beli lama dah. Tapi tak ada peluang nak pakai. Beli ni pun untuk wife mak, jadi dialah yang pakai. Malam tu mada wife pakai, mak punyalah tegang dan uols fahamlah macam mana mak menghilangkan ketegangan itu kan? No ned to storylah kisah dalam bilik tidur mak kan?

So tadi tu bila mak dah tinggal seorang mak ambik kesempatanlah pakai dan snappy-snappy. Mak pun dah beberapa bulan tak dress up. Dah rasa gian pula, hehehehe........ Pic kat bawah ni pula chemise yang wife mak sendiri beli. Mak pun tatau bila dia beli. Mak nampak tersangkut kat almari so mak cubala.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Zon Erotik Wanita

Malam tadi mak online macam biasa so salah satu page baru yang mak visit ialah Daily Chilly. Ni macam mStar jugalah. Macam sisipan dalam akhbar fizikal The Star tu. Namanya pun dah chili dah tentunya pedas dan panas bak kata mat salleh. Memang bahan-bahan tu sedikit hot dan pedas bagi sesetengah pembaca.

Artikal terbaru yang dimuatkan berkaitan dengan zon erotic wanita. Mak tatau sama ada panduan ini boleh dipalikasikan kepada fonen-fonen dan gays. But mak rasa boleh juga  sebab mak rasa zon erotik mak pun lebih kurang sama je dengan apa yang kena mention tu.

Pada tubuh wanita katanya, bukan tetek je dan kawasan pussy je zon erotik tetapi ada beberapa tempat lagi.

Kalau uols nak tahu kat mana on the women's body yang dianggap zon erotik tu klik kat Daily Chilly.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fonen Ke Lelaki Yang Bawa Handbag?

Kelmarin mak keluar KL. Gi KLCC. Ada Gomobile09 iaitu pameran telefon bimbit dan juga aksesori-aksesori yang penuh dengan  mobiliti gitu. Tapi mak bukan nak citer tentang exhibition itu. Mak cakap pasal lelaki dengan handbag.

Sekarang ni semakin ramai lelaki dah suka bawa handbag. Handbag yang mak maksudkan ialah handbag wanita.Tapi kalau jalan dengan awek, dia bawa handbag awek dia tu kira oklah lagi. Tapi ni   dia bawa handbag sendiri. Macam uols jugalah kan. But uols yang fonen-fonen tu oklah sebab memang sesuai bawa handbag.  Tetapi ni mak tengok jantanz yang masih ala-ala straight dengan handbag besar. Masa kat dalam LRT from Mesjid Jamek, mak nampak this one guy, but mak tataulah sama ada Malay or not sebab kat lengan dia ada tatu. Kalau Malay tentu tak der tatu kan? So mak nampak dia carry baggy handbag hitam kepit kat celah tangannya.

This guy pun mak nampak can do juga. However mak tak berani lah nak tengok sesangat sebab dia pakai sunglass hitam dan sure dapat tengok mak yang memerhati dia. Mak just sekali-sekala jeling kat hangbag dia. Bukan apa nice gak. Mak pun terbayang bawa handbag macam tu juga.

Guys yang bawa handbag, tah, apa pula yang ada dalam handbag. Kalau pompuan atau uols mak  tahulah mesti ada lipstick, purse, compact powder, cermin kecil. Maybe ada juga stock condom. Bukan mak nak caruts dan tuduh bukan-bukan kat uols. Pompuan sekarang ni pun ramai dah spare kondom kat dalam handbag dia tau.

Then on the was balik dalam Star LRT pun mak nampak one guy bawa sling handbag. Tapi beg dia ni lebih kecil yang ni beza dari yang first guy tadi tu, mampak lebih mamat sikit. So dah tentu dia tak bawa lipstick dan compact powder.

Dah jadi trend sekarang kah, guys pun bawa baggy handbag. Hmmm...bagai manalah...mak terbayangkan berjalan-jalan kat Sungai Wang Plaza dengan seluar, baju tangan panjang dan kasut hitam dan di celah ketiak mak kepit handbag besar Guy Laroche atau Guess..........

So kalau ada uols yang masih guys, apa ada kat handbang uols tu ye?......

Janda Meletup - Kris

Posting mak kali ini bukan mengenai mana-mana maknyah atau crossdresser. Tapi mengenai wanita original yang baru sahaja menjadi janda - Krisdayanti. Berita Harian online ada artikal tentang Janda Meletup ni.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Vagina Terkuat Di Dunia

Posting mak kali ini mungkin tidak kena mengena dengan uols yang not totally female. Mak ada baca dalam sebuah blog Indon. Blog ni memang menarik dan mak rasa uols blogger pun patut link kat sana.  Apa yang mak maksudkan ialah satu posting tentang vagina terkuat di dunia. Wanita itu Tatiana Kozhevnikova yang berusia 42 tahun dari Russia merupakan pemegang rekod dunia yang boleh mengangkat bebanan seberat 14 kg pada vaginanya. Guiness Book of World Record mengelarnya sebagai vagina terkuat di dunia dan beliau mengatakan bahawa beliau telah berlatih selama 15 tahun untuk mencapai prestasi seperti itu.

Dia mengatakan bahawa dia melatih otot vaginanya dengan memasukkan salah satu bola yang tersangkut pada tali.... Sejak saat itu Kozhevnikova melatih otot vagina-nya dengan menggunakan bola kristal. “Anda memasukkan salah satu bola di vagina, yang memiliki tali melekat dengan sedikit kait pada bagian paling akhir. Anda menempatkan bola pada kait tersebut.”

“Latihlah otot vagina anda lima menit setiap hari, dan hanya dalam satu minggu Anda akan dapat memberikan kenikmatan yang tak terlupakan pada diri Anda dan pasangan anda disaat berhubungan intim,” katanya.

Mak nak tanya adakah petua-petua dari uols pula yang boleh membantu menguatkan cik dick dan dapat memuaskan pasangan masing-masing.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Cerita Berkaitan Seks Dalam Daily Chilly

Hari ni mak nak tulis tentang laporang berkaitan seks yang dibaca dalam paper. Daily Chilly melaorkan seks di Forbidden City dilumpuhkan oleh pihak berkuasa iaitu polis dan MPSJ. Mak petik part of the news dan post kat sini, termasuk juga satu gambar iringan.

Sex in the Forbidden City came to an abrupt end when police and Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) enforcement officers raided the massage parlour in USJ.
The premise in USJ with the intriguing name was one of three so-called "beauty and wellness" centres suspected to be providing sexual services of women from China, Indonesia and Thailand.

A pile of condoms uncovered during the swoop Thursday evening provided evidence of the real activities going on inside.
Story kedua pula tentang satu poster kat bilik seorang Profesor Madya di sebuah institusi pendidikan di Singapura. Mak copy dan upload gambar poster yang menimbulkan kegelisahan pelajar itu. Poster itu ada kena mengena dengan oral seks. Kalau uols tengok poster tu pun dah faham bahawa nak buat oral seks kena suruh partner pakai kondom untuk elak penyakit kelamin.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Telan Atau Luah?

Baru-baru ini ada mak subscribe to this laman web

Hari ni ada mak terima this turorial bertajuk "Swallowing Can Taste Better Than Spitting". oleh Allan Sharpe. Memanglah ramai tidak sanggup telan kan? Walaupun air tu dikatakan ada protin, tetapi kerana ia keluar from that small hole it is considered as kotor. Hmmm.....but ramai gak yang feels nothing after he shoots inside the mouth. 

Kat bawah ni mak put downlah apa yang terkandung dalam info tu....

Salah satu pertanyaan yang paling banyak ditanya ialah "What do I do at the end of a BJ?" Allan menjawab bahawa terdapat banyak cara untuk menyelesaikannya. Ia boleh dilakukan dengan menggunakan tangan dan biarkan diatembak ditempat-tempat yang dianggap seksi atau tukar ke aktiviti lain untuk dia  mencapai klimax.

Selebihnya ni mak biarkan dalam Bahasa Inggeris tau. Uols teruskan baca. 

But of the favorites for the blow-ee, and yet often seen as undesirable by the blow-er, is swallowing. It often feels best, and is a  statement on the part of the swallower that they accept or like their lover's orgasm, whereas the most obvious alternative,  spitting, can be serious, hurtful rejection if done wrong.

Now some people actually like the taste, and others simply enjoy the pleasure they give  so much they "learn to like it", like coffee or beer...but people who don't often end up either refusing to "finish" orally, or suffering for their art.

But you don't have to.

No, seriously; even if you don't like the taste, you can actually swallow without  really experiencing it at all.

See, it's really tempting, because you are wary of the flavor or volume, to try slowing or holding it in your mouth to "pace" and control it. But that's the only reason you  end up tasting it, at all.

The trick that when he is about to orgasm, start swallowing quickly and continually, not even waiting for anything TO swallow. Because of semen's composition, it will actually "slide down your throat" without dissolving in your saliva, unless you give it TIME to spread out.

See, your taste buds can only detect things dissolved in your saliva, or other normal liquids like water or alcohol. They are really can't sense the passing semen, as it is viscous and will stay in a mass if you swallow quickly.

Now this really does take a leap of faith, and some conscious effort, in order to actually try at all, but I've had MANY skeptics finally give it a "shot", and then give me happy (and relieved) feedback that it works perfectly.

It's shocking, but true.

Of course not everyone wants to avoid tasting it entirely.  And those people discover that it can taste very different, from one guy to the next. Sometimes it tastes much  better (to those who like it) than others, even from one time to another with the same guy.

And that's not a surprise, because you can actually change the flavor on purpose, too.

Semen is alkaline, which is a flavor we've evolved to avoid, because many natural poisons are, too. This is why a strongly acidic diet is famous for improving the  "taste" of semen; acid is the opposite of alkaline. (Pineapples and various other types of sweet, acidic fruit work wonders for improving the taste of semen).

Other things to remember about the ending is that the longer it takes, and (for better or worse) the more he enjoys it, the larger the volume of semen he's likely to shoot. If you're wanting to reduce the amount (for practice swallowing, perhaps), though, there's another
solution, besides making sure he doesn't enjoy it "too much": Give him  an orgasm some other way, first.

If, instead of fellatio and THEN coitus, you swap the two,having sex first and (after he recovers) giving the BJ second, you'll find that he probably shoots far less...perhaps not enough to even matter, swallowing or not.

OK, if you've gotten this far and are still worried, consider other options for gracefully ending a blowjob without seeming to reject or dis your lover's pleasure.

Does he like porn? You know how they always end in such fine cinema: "shoot it on me, baby". There are many body parts that may turn on your love, seeing his stuff on you. The famous "pearl necklace", and your chest, are perfect and natural places for this sort of fun. You can also have him come on your stomach or butt to change things up a bit.

Of course this may require some subtle planning on want to just happen to both be in a positionwhere he can "hit" you just right. An even more natural andconvenient place is your face, if you don't mind the "mess"being quite so intimate  with your senses.

Always remember that guys, at least some of them, do have feelings about these things. Even the ones who hide them, and are not demonstrative or verbal during oral. He'll probably be much more comfortable and happy if YOU seem comfortable and happy, even  with the ending.

Oh, sure, he'll bravely say he understands if you make faces, gag, withdraw,  frantically wipe up, or other such unbecoming things...but that doesn't mean he  wouldn't enjoy it much more if something that gave him such pleasure did NOT get treated like a necessary evil.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Jenis Panties

Mak ada la ikut satu kuiz dalam fun140 setelah diundang oleh salah seorang twitter friend mak. Soklannya which panties are you. Lepas mak jawab nilah jenis panties mak. comando. waa...ganas kah mak? so bila mak pakai panties komando mestila celoreng kan? Nanti mak nak cari mana mak simpan pin nightie mak yang pattern celoreng tu. Next time la mak upload kat sini.

Kalau uols nak follow twitter mak klik SINI.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pandangan Adaline

My Introduction
I am a transvestite and I like to share my own account as a member of SGGURLS Group.  I have been with the SGGURLS Group since it was started on the 14th November 2007.  Though many a time I have left the group and rejoined back (I will not elaborated on these, as it has nothing to do with the Group but my own accord due to my mood swing) Being a transvestite, life is naturally complicated and we faced up and down in our transition.  Generally I have benefited significantly from the Group.  I am very down to earth person by nature and I am very possessive of my own peers, friends, sisters and love ones.  But I can be easily touched by sincerity and ready to repay back with gratitude.  In short I am an introvert and reserve person but through the group influences, I have changed overtimes.  And I owed it to a best T-gurl friend of mine who is always there to support me and cheers me up.
I will now answer to your 10 questions.

1.        What is the purpose of the setting up the group?
As people like us in the LGBTQ, regardless we are cross dresser, gay, lesbian, transvestite or transsexual, morally we needed support and assistance through sister/brother hoods or as "buddies" in the group.  That is the purpose of the group.
Being what we were in this extreme and harsh World, we could always face loneliness in our tribulation and rejection from the friends, families and love ones.  Life of a transsexual or transvestite (I am speaking as a transvestite level) is not easy.  It is difficult to trot on the path we have chosen to go through.  Transition period was always so lonely to start on and the latter lives of transsexual or transvestite were even lonelier in the society that we lived in. Every day of our lives seem hard to pass by.
Some of us started as cross dressers.  Dressing has been a form of expressing our feminine norm.  But some of us were Transsexual before we reached puberty.  We were born in the wrong body.  It is all hidden inside us and it was always up there in our minds.  We can't change it, neither can our families, our love ones, the society nor the World can corrected us.  We have somehow suffered from our gender disorder but in determination we seek after our own destiny till we found our happiness in our desirable gender where we can belong.  An identity so called "Transgender"
I benefited a lot from the group in my feminine trait as transvestite.  Regular exposure in the group forums, gatherings, outings and events organising, I tend to be more aware of myself of who I am and where I belong.  I became more conscious of my own feeling, my body, my mind and my personality.
Though there were good times and bad times but the good times were more rewarding and memorable comparable to the bad times that we faced.   The happier moment was always the sweetest to cherish and remembered for the rest of our life.

2.       How did it begun? When did it start?
It was on Halloween night, last weekend of October 2007 where a group of SG gurls met up together for the first time to come out as gurls to celebrate Halloween night.   We formed a group of gurls to participate in a costumes contest for the best well dressed in Halloween costumes event.  One of the gurl was asked by the comperre to intro our group theme.  And the gurl came out with the team "SG GURLS" night out!   It was two weeks later, on 14thNovember 2007, our Group SGGURLS was then formed and all the gurls were moderators of the group.  However, some didn't make it with us but most of us stayed on and continued with our outings and events.  We eventually grew from a small group of seven gurls to a much larger group of 1.047 members now.  Membership is flourishing, the discussion and pictures on the board was doing well too.  And we managed to reach out to our overseas friends and sisters.  We have formed allies with other sister groups, like the SG Butterfly, the Bangkok Trans Group and the CD House.   Much later, similar other sistas groups, like the Mygurls and Chinagurls were also formed.

3.       What activities have the group organised?
We came a long way from our existence right up to the present moment organising events and outings for our members.  Initially, we have to find a gathering place for the gurls and we found one LGBT friendly bar at Chinatown, "Backstage."  Though Backstage was a gay bar but the gurls were welcomed and treated as sistas in the present of the gentlemen at Backstage.  The guys were friendly.  Soon we were recognised as SGGURLS of Backstage and have our first Residential Bar.  We did many of our outings and events at Backstage and we hosted some of our members' birthday parties too.  We met regularly to share our knowledge on transgender issues and cross dressing.  We also encouraged new members and closet cd to come out and joined us in our outing.  Besides meeting at the pub, we also organised shopping sprees, going to movies, dinning and chalet barbeque party.  And we have organised an overseas trip for our members too.  In SG, we celebrated Halloween, Christmas and countdown party annually.  During lunar New Year day we organised our auspicious "Loh Hei" dinner for our Chinese members.  Last but not least, we celebrated our annual anniversary on the 14th November to commemorate our group birthday.

4.       How often does the group meet and how big is the current group?
From Backstage, we moved on to various different locations in Chinatown, like the Tocame, DMYK, Taboo, Cow and Coolie and etc….  Lately the gurls' favourite bar, was Deixie at Mosque Street.  And now the gurls even found a nice and cool place called "Oohtique" at 50A, Circular Road which have an alley shopping arcade for lingerie and adult apparels within bar vicinity.  We usually met on alternate weekend on a cool Saturday night with a group of about 6 to more than 10 gurls.  Currently our group members have reached 1.047 members and that included the overseas members as well. Our group is ever growing and participated actively in the net working other than organising function and social gathering.

5.       Tell me a few events which you think have been successful (and had received positive feedback) 
 The most successful and glamorous event that we have was our 1stAnniversary nights on 14th Nov to 15th Nov 2008 where we hosted a big party at a double storey terrace chalet in Aloha Changi Resort and invited many of LGBT groups' brothers and sisters to attend our anniversary night. Our annual trip to visit the Bangkok Tans Group sistas was also successful in the sense we have better rapport between the two groups.  We were warmly treated to a party hosted by the Bangkok Tans Group in close exchanges of friendship and ties between the two groups' mementos.  And we exchange memento as gesture of friendship.

Though year 2009 wasn't a good year but we have pledged during the New Year in our resolution to do the best for our group.   We did came out with a very big project for charity but due to logistics and time factors the project was delayed till later times so we have plenty of time to work on it with ease and stability.  But unbelievable the fact was we have received positive feedbacks and supports from our members, friends, relation and admirers in this project through their kind donation.  We believed in perseverance will prevail.  Unity through strength and all that!  Our group is ever progressing though there were down turns but one thing for sure our group we will keep on going!

6.       What activities have been planned for 2010?
Our group held our regular meeting when necessarily at PLU (Serangoon) to discuss matters pertaining to the group activities and organising of events.  We have all the committee members to take charge of the group activities and domestic affairs.  We are unable to disclose what is in the activities planned for 2010 until we formally meet and confirmed in early December to discuss the schedule for year 2010.

7.       Who should join your group?
This group is for the gurls of Singapore.  We also welcome gurls from abroad though it states the group as SGGURLS.  We are LGBT friendly and warmly welcome all those who share the love of being a cd(cross dresser), transvestite( cds on hormones) transsexuals( M2F, F2 M) whether you are from SG or abroad.  This is your group, so please feel free to post and network with each other.  Love, enjoy and learn from one another.  We lived short lives.  Try to live life light heartedly, be generous to your sisters and brothers in here, and be light on politics.  Being sexy, healthy, stay pretty and live happily.  Muacks  — may love shine on you when you're in your desired form.  We're turning 2!!!! And look forward to many more years to come!!!!
Last but not least, the Group is created especially for you people like us…. You are most welcome to join in any Groups as fun and loving transgendered people.  Friendliness is the door step to every Group.  Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.  Sexiness is the feminine expression of womanliness. Romanticism is in our minds.  And Love is in our Hearts.
8.       What do you hope for the gay (and trans) communities in the near future?
We are all human beings on earth regardless we are from lesbian, gay, transsexual or bi-sexual communities…. and we all have the same kind of feeling. We have our dreams to hope for.  We want to be loved and to love. We want to live a life full of happiness and peace.  We want to live a life with beauty and pride. 
With the mutual support and help from each one another of us here, we are going to make it to reality in the near future….. Acceptance, love and respect are what we look for from the public.  To be accepted as part of the community and respectful civilian in the society.

9.        What can we do to increase our outreach?
Having joined a group but not coming out to the outing was not good enough. We need to interact and share our experiences as what we have gone through as sistas.  Every Transgender support group has their own gathering and outing.  It is through past experiences we learnt from one another and through constant exposure in the group meeting that we get recognition in our gender identity … Every face tells a story, so it is through social gathering and meeting with the Trans likeminded people that we learnt and benefited within the Group.

10.  Do you think a confederation of gay civil societies would help or hinder?
Yes, having confederation of gay civil societies would definitely help to confer our legal rights, status and belongings in the aspect under the communal laws of the societies.  What we need most is morale support and understanding from the community.  Unity through strength and all that!

Thanks and with Warmest Regards,

Adaline Keh

KE Magic Bra

Mak buat posting ni bukan nak mengiklankannya tetapi just nak share dengan uols apa maklumat yang terbaca. Bra yang dinamakan KE magic adalah coli yang mengurut buah dada dan memberikan bentuk yang menarik dan tidak jatuh. Baca  seterusnya informasi tentang bra ni. 

KE magic is the use of plastic made of natural rubber, the birth of magic Ting, from the traditional sponge, KE to the magic of plastic available, it is a bra revolution. With the magic of plastic women can move around and kept the chest massage to help women achieve the fullness Meixiong strong results.

KE magic with super-sensitive plastic flexible, automatic massage can help you firm chest, no longer droop relaxation, Moping of milk. Larger 50 times, wow, the naked eye can see KE magic plastic massage process. Through thick, thin under the care of thoracic design, and perfectly fit around the chest, wear it, we can start walking with chest massage, your breathing breast-side fluctuations, to promote breast metabolism, clear the meridian.

1 minute, the equivalent of 20 manual massage, wearing a one hour massage equivalent to one hour, wearing a full day on the equivalent Meixiong a day, not dangerous drugs surgery, the chest is Yuechuan Yue Ting, an increasing U.S.! Ting wear magic bra, you will be able to maintain the breast Shuinen, firm.

Monday, October 5, 2009

You Tube - Lelaki Dengan Bra

Mak muatkan beberapa video yang mak tengok kat You tube tentang lelaki yang pakai bra.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My Space Friend's Pics

Mak upload dua keping foto ni yang mak ambil dari profile salah satu friend dalam Facebook dan My Space. Mak memang minat dengan lingerie yang macam ni. In future mak akan upload lagi pics lingerie macam ni.